

Good morning Asa Clark Middle School!  Today is Thursday, October 15th.  Please stand as we say the Pledge of Allegiance…


  • Are you interested in meeting new friends, learning about unique traditions and holidays, playing games from around the world, or just having fun celebrating cultures with music, drama, and food?  If so, it's not too late to sign up for International Club!    Pick up your permission slip in the office today and turn it in by October 20 so you are ready to join the International Club activities!


  • Yearbook Club will run in Ms. Greupink’s room from 2:30-3:30.


  • The disc golf bus will leave at 3:00 and return at 5:15.


  • The girls basketball team will take on Burlington Middle School after school today. Good luck Pirates!!!


  • As a reminder, hats and jackets are not to be worn during the school day. These items must remain in your locker.


 Happy Birthday today to Ivan Newman, who celebrated yesterday. Happy Birthday today to Carson Bembenek, Natasha King, and Jackson Servais.

Have a great day and remember...It’s A Great Day To Be A Pirate!