

Good morning Asa Clark Middle School!  Today is Tuesday, January 26th.  Please stand as we say the pledge of allegiance…



  • Attention Art Club Members - please check your email for information and a permission slip for our first field trip coming up on Saturday, January 30th. Check with Ms. Greupink if you have any questions




  • Attention all Students!! Did you order a Yearbook?! It's not too late! Yearbook sales are still going on and you don't want to miss out! You can order your yearbook now for only $35. Check for an email from Josten's to order today. Get your order in soon, because after January 29th, the price of the yearbook will go up to $37! See Ms. Greupink with questions




  • Wrestling practice will run today from 2:30-5:00 and Chess Club will meet from 5:00-6:30.
  • Any 8th grade students who chose Capstone Culinary or Capstone Engineering on their course request form, please watch your e-mail for a message from Mrs. Duss with next steps.




Happy Birthday today to Selah Duessler, Elijah Herz, Selah Roberts, and Jacob Schulz.





Have a great day and remember...It’s A Great Day To Be A Pirate!