

Good morning Asa Clark Middle School!  Today is Thursday, February 4th.  Please stand as we say the pledge of allegiance…


  • As a reminder, students, it is very important that we all continue to wear our masks properly at all times.  Masks must be worn over the mouth and nose.  Thank you for helping us to keep our staff and student body safe and healthy.
  • Wrestling practice will meet from 2:30-5:00 and volleyball practice will meet from 2:30-4:10
  • Art club runs from 2:30-3:30.
  • Heads up to any and all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students who would like to participate in our next ALLIES CLUB MEETING!  Great conversations about things that matter! Our next meeting is MONDAY, FEBRUARY 8, right after school, in room 240. Please see Mrs. Giese or Mrs. Whelan with any questions.
  • Hey Book Club members! Just a reminder that our next Book Club meeting is on Tuesday, February 9, in Room 240. Please touch base with Mrs. Whelan if you have trouble obtaining the book.
  • Attention Drama Students! Anyone who ordered a School House Rock DVD, they are now ready for pick up! Please bring $1 to Ms. Greupink to pick up your DVD.
  • Any 7th grade students who indicated that were interested in capstone for their 8th grade year. Remember that your recommendation forms are due no later than this Friday, February 3rd.  Those forms can be picked up from and turned in to Mr. Roehl, Mrs. Fruth, or Mrs. Cesarz.
  • And now, your Student Council Leadership team has a message for you...





Happy Birthday today to Emmalene Lenzner and Mrs. Donald!