


Good morning Asa Clark Middle School!  Today is Friday, April 23rd.  Please stand as we say the pledge of allegiance…



  • So far, ASA Clark has been doing a great job in the Raise Craze fundraiser.  We have:

Collected $24,500 in donations, performed 664 Act of Kindness, registered 553 students, and sent 2,094 e-mails. Keep up the kindness, Asa Clark!


  • Students, please check the lost and found for any of your missing belongings. Any items remaining at the end of the day will be donated.
  • And now, your student council leadership team has a message for you...


Happy Birthday today to Caleb Sniff and Vincent Trinh! Happy birthday this weekend to Riley Engibous, Aiden Riches, and Harper Gould!


Have a great day and remember...It’s A Great Day To Be A Pirate!