


Good morning Asa Clark Middle School!  Today is Friday, October 8th.  Please stand as we say the pledge of allegiance…

  • We would like to welcome our guest teachers today. Mrs. Wilcox is teaching for Ms. Roselle. Mrs. Stearns is covering for Mrs. Kloskey. Mr. Helland is teaching for Mr. Patzer.


  • Today is picture day. Any student who needs a picture taken or to get retakes, please listen for the announcement this morning to be dismissed from class for pictures.


  • Any student interested in joining Choristers should plan on attending an informational meeting on Monday 10/11 during Pirate Resource in the ACMS Choir room. Choristers is a challenging and exciting extra curricular choir open to any middle school student. No previous experience is required. Rehearsals take place the second and fourth Tuesday of each month from 2:50 p.m.-3:30 p.m. All questions should be directed to Ms. Stingle


  • Students, please check the lost and found for any missing belongings. Items remaining at the end of October will be donated.


  • And finally, on the menu for lunch today.  A BBQ Pork sandwich, Cheese or BBQ Pizza, or Chicken Nuggets.


Happy Birthday wishes today to Jack Gabrys, Brett Selsor, Elyse Taylor, and Mrs. Bartel! Happy Birthday over the weekend to Mia Backus, Parker Schwerman, Alana Shields, Jacob Willis, Aliya Lutz, Rhyan Nicholson

Have a great day and remember...It’s A Great Day To Be A Pirate!