

Good morning Asa Clark Middle School!  Today is Wednesday April 7th.  Please stand as we say the pledge of allegiance…


  • All boys who played 8th grade basketball and plan on trying out next year for the high school, there is an important off-season meeting tonight, 8pm either in the HS gym or the football field. If you can't make it, contact Coach Karas at the high school.
  • Tennis and Track practice will both run from 2:40-4:10.
  • This week as part of Asa Clark Student Council “kindness week” we encourage you to participate in the  "Be the CHAINS" activity by completing a random act of kindness between today and April 9th. After completing your random act of kindness, add it to your grade level's paper chain. Let's see how far our kindness goes! 6th grade’s kindness chain is located outside of Ms. Lewis’ room, 7th grade- outside of Ms. Kay’s room, and 8th grade- outside Mrs. Mente’s room. 
  • Students-please do not leave the lunchroom until you are dismissed.  If you need to leave the lunchroom for any reason you do need a pass.


Happy Birthday today to Shayla Bopp and Lailah Preiss!





Have a great day and remember...It’s A Great Day To Be A Pirate!