


Good morning Asa Clark Middle School!  Today is Friday, April 9th.  Please stand as we say the pledge of allegiance…

  • Students-There's still time to add to your grade level's kindness chain. 6th grade’s kindness chain is located outside of Ms. Lewis’ room, 7th grade- outside of Ms. Kay’s room, and 8th grade- outside Mrs. Mente’s room. Help be the CHAINS and spread kindness!
  • If you are leaving early from school, make sure you sign out in the office first before you leave. 

A reminder that third quarter choir and band students are recording in the auditorium for the POPS Concert.

6th grade choir will head to the auditorium right when you get to school.

7th grade choir will head to the auditorium at 8:00

6th grade band will head to the auditorium at 9:38

8th grade band will head to the auditorium at 10:32

Happy Birthday today to Nara Carrasquillo, Hadley Halverson, and Taylor Stanek!


Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating over the weekend:

Brooke Beltran, Olivia Donahe, Kenny Lanphear, Olivia Reese, Samantha Bopari, Anneka Brinkman, and Cade Reikowski!




Have a great day and remember...It’s A Great Day To Be A Pirate!