


Good morning Asa Clark Middle School!  Today is Thursday, March 17th. Please stand as we say the pledge of allegiance…

  • We would like to welcome our guest teachers today.  Mr. Albrecht is teaching for Mrs. Coburn, Mrs. Teuteburg is teaching for Mrs. Tharp, Mrs. Casey is teaching for Mrs. Zimmerman, Mr. Helland is teaching for Mr. Schulz, and Ms. Wittlaff is teaching for Mrs. Donald this afternoon.


  • Art Club will meet from 2:45-3:45 and 6th grade volleyball will practice from 3:00-5:00.


  • Tomorrow is the last day to donate items for Tricia's Troops. The Flex with the most items donated will win a prize. Thanks for your support!


  • Attention 7th and 8th grade students…when leaving the lunchroom we are asking that all students use the main stairwell to return to class.  You should not be entering the 6th grade hallways or walking around to the front stairwell.  The only exception would be those students who have a 1st floor locker.  Any student not adhering to this will lose the privilege of being able to be in the cafeteria during lunch.


  • On the menu for lunch today….Cheese and ketchup meatloaf, cheese or veggie pizza, or a swiss burger.


Happy Birthday today to Emma Cille and Easton Stops!

Have a wonderful day and remember...It’s A Great Day To Be A Pirate!