


Good morning Asa Clark Middle School!  Today is Wednesday, March 30th. Please stand as we say the pledge of allegiance…


  • We would like to welcome our guest teachers today.  Mr. Seegert is teaching for Mrs. Zimmerman, Mrs Young Eagle is teaching for Mrs. Loroff, Mrs. Beihoff is teaching for Mr. Klink, Mr. Chase is teaching for Mr. Giese.


  • We also would like to welcome Mr. Felkner back to Asa Clark middle school.  Mr. Felkner will be subbing for Mrs. Mente for the remainder of the school year.


  • As a reminder, please stay off the softball infield when out at recess. They are preparing the infield for the softball season. We appreciate your help with this!


  • On the menu for lunch today…Beef Stroganoff, Cheese or BBQ Chicken pizza, or an italian chicken parm sandwich.


  • We want to acknowledge all of your hard work on Session 1 of the Wisconsin Forward Exam!  You showed focus, determination, and a great deal of effort in completing the writing prompt.  Today, we will continue with Language Arts Sessions 2 and 3.  Please remember to bring a book, water, AND headphones to your testing location.  


  • At 7:35AM this morning students should log on to Flexi-SCHED and sign up for their extended learning day sessions for this Friday. Staff members offering sessions should immediately log in and add their offerings immediately.


Happy Birthday today to Michael Gengler and Olivia Rameker!

Have a wonderful day and remember...It’s A Great Day To Be A Pirate!