• Multi-Tiered System of Support

    Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS), adopted from research within Response to Intervention (RtI), is a framework of instruction that provides support to all students to ensure mastery of grade-level content standards. The tiers of MTSS provide varying levels of support for students who struggle to reach mastery, as well as those who exceed grade-level curriculum. MTSS and RTI are viewed as similar concepts by the Wisconsin Legislature.

    However, since 2010, education leaders have witnessed a systematic movement away from RtI toward MTSS. The purpose of this shift is to move from a narrow focus of mandated, technical processes for specific learning disability eligibility for students who are struggling to an integrated system of behavior,social, emotional and academic support that includes all educators and alllearners. 
    MTSS provides a framework that incorporates screening, progress monitoring and data-based decision-making to support academic and behavior/social-emotional growth.  MTSS is the practice of systematically providing differing levels of intensity of support based upon student responsiveness to instruction and intervention. Beyond high-quality universal instruction at the Tier 1 level, selected (tier 2) and intensive (tier 3) interventions are provided based on the PSD MTSS Decision Rules.
    This handbook outlines the processes and requirements of a Multi-Tiered System of Support. It provides the foundational principles and logistical information to assure a comprehensive and effective approach to support all learners.  The handbook can be accessed here.


    The Pewaukee School District Early Literacy Remediation Plan linked here is designed to ensure that all students receive the necessary support and interventions to develop strong literacy skills. In this plan, we will outline the assessments used for universal screening and diagnostic assessment, describe the interventions implemented to address characteristics of dyslexia, explain how progress is monitored during interventions, and detail how assessment results are used to evaluate early literacy instruction in compliance with Wisconsin State Law Act 20.


    English Learners

    Pewaukee School District focuses on training teachers and staff to differentiate and support every student, including those who are learning English as a second, third, or even fourth language! For students who qualify for EL support, there is an EL Specialist, Sherri Ronge, who will collaborate, support & provide regular classroom teachers with instructional resources.  Unlike some school districts, all Pewaukee EL students are mainstreamed. Supports include, but are not limited to, creation and implementation of personalized support plans, progress monitoring (WIDA Model), advocacy, and family communication.

    School Counseling

    The mission of the Pewaukee Public School District's School Counseling Program is to maximize all students' abilities to develop strategies that support their academic achievement, self-awareness, interpersonal skills and career awareness.

    Special Education

    The Pewaukee Public School District offers a continuum of services for children who qualify for special education and related services, ages 3 to 21. Each child who meets criteria for one or more of the 11 impairments described in both state and federal law, and who demonstrates a need for special education and related services, will receive a free and appropriate education to meet his or her needs as described in his or her Individualized Education Plan (IEP). This plan is developed by the IEP team which includes parents and professionals working together to meet the unique needs of each child. For more about special education in Pewaukee, click here.


  • Anthony Strancke

    Director of Student Services



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