Phone: 262-695-5015
Degrees and Certifications:
Brian Sniff
PHS Principal / Instructional Leader

Phone: 262-695-5012
Degrees and Certifications:
Emily Hansen
Dean of Students

Phone: 262-695-5013
Degrees and Certifications:
Susie Matson
PHS Secretary

Phone: 262-695-5017
Degrees and Certifications:
Paula Schultz
Attendance Secretary

Phone: 262-695-5014
Degrees and Certifications:
Paul Bursi
PHS Associate Principal

Phone: 262-695-5074
Degrees and Certifications:
Jeff Behrens
Athletics & Activities Director

Phone: 262-695-5073
Degrees and Certifications:
Nikki Sandvik
Athletics & Activities Secretary / Facilities
At PHS, we pride ourselves on meeting a two-pronged mission that maximizes the academic performance of students while promoting an environment that encourages positive citizenship.
Meeting Our Mission
Each year our students and parents are asked to complete a building survey which allows us to gather input regarding to our programs, processes and personnel. Results from the 2015-16 school year have been collected and analyzed. Highlights from the survey include:97% of parents and 87% of students would recommend PHS to a friend
94% of parents and 89% of students report there is an adult at PHS who cares about them/their student
96% of parents and 96% of students report that PHS has a safe learning environment
94% of parents and 85% of students report that PHS is doing an effective job of preparing students for their futureOur efforts continue to focus on meeting our mission of maximizing the academic potential of ALL students while fostering an environment of positive student citizenship . . .
Success Skills
Our mission at Pewaukee High School centers on maximizing the academic potential of students while fostering an environment of positive student citizenship. And while we have always measured the academic performance of our students, we also measure and grade the citizenship portion of our mission – characteristics and skills we have labeled “Success Skills.” Simply stated, Success Skills are the non-academic skills that individuals need to possess or demonstrate in order to improve one’s chances of success at school, in the military, in the work place, or in society in general. The PHS Success Skills are organized in the following four categories:
Prompt & Prepared: brings materials to class, arrives on time, and meets deadlines.
Polite & Positive: Displays a positive attitude, demonstrates honesty, acts with integrity and respect, shows respect and is cooperative.
Persistent & Productive: Maximizes instructional time, is collaborative, takes initiative, and demonstrates academic honesty.Digital Citizenship: Demonstrates safe and responsible use of technology.
In addition to the traditional academic grade earned each term, students receive a separate Success Skills grade for each of these three categories. Students are graded using the following scale:
4 – Exceeds Expectations
3 – Meets Expectations
2 – Partially Meets Expectations
1 – Does Not Meet Expectations