• 18-21 year old Transition Program

    Jill Thomas

    Non-student time: 7:30-9:15am

    PHS phone 262-701-5683

    email: thomjil@pewaukee.k12.wi.us


    I am looking forward to new opportunities as we start this school year! The students in the Transition program will be developing skills for independence in functional academics, daily living skills, community independence, and vocational skills to prepare them for their adult futures. We are developing a true community based program  as we move our 18-21 program to using a classroom at WCTC for instructional opportunities, socialization with same age peers and access to public transportation.

Phone: 262 701-5683

Email: thomjil@pewaukeeschools.org

Degrees and Certifications:

BS ed. University of Georgia
MS Ed. College of St. Rose

Jill Thomas