Marketing and Communication
Pewaukee School District utilizes many different media forms to keep all stakeholders informed of all district happenings. This includes:
- "PSD Post" Newsletter - A bi-weekly email sent to families and staff of all 4 buildings which includes highlighted stories and informational updates
- "Perspective" Publication - A seasonal, printed publication mailed to all households within the district
- Social Media Platforms - Facebook: PewaukeeSchools, Instagram: @pewaukeeSD, Twitter: @pewaukeeSD, and YouTube: Pewaukee School District are all used for daily news, pictures, and videos
- Wellness Connection Newsletters - Monthly emailed newsletters sent to PSD Staff for benefit updates/reminders
- Airtame TV - Campus wide digital displays showcasing pictures, social media, news, etc to our students, visitors, and staff
- Annual Budgets and Reports - Yearly PSD Annual Report Publication, avialable digitally or in booklet form to public upon request
- PHS Insight Newsletter - Monthly emailed newsletter sent out to students, mentors, businesses, and families of the PHS Insight Program

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Communicating to All Stakeholders
The Pewaukee School District values proactive and transparent communication with the school and broader residential communities. Strategic planning offers the community an opportunity to have input into the planning process for future growth in the district. The district's marketing and communication manager is a year-round position, showing the dedication our district has to community engagement. All comments concerning publications, website, or community collaboration are welcomed and encouraged.
Newcomers and Prospective Resident Information
Newcomer packets for realtors, prospective residents, and others who may be interested in knowing more about Pewaukee School District are available. Please direct requests to the marketing and communications manager. Potential home buyers in the Pewaukee School District may check an address to determine school district boundaries by clicking here.
Media Relations
Daily and weekly updates are provided to local print media outlets to share stories related to student and staff achievements, interesting stories, events, and activities relating to community service. Stories of significance for a wider audience in southeastern Wisconsin are sent to broadcast media. All inquires for students highlighted in stories and photographs should be directed to the Public Information Office. Student disclosure information is on file here for the purpose of media usage. (Read Pewaukee Schools stories in the news at right.)
Community Relations
Administrators are members of the Pewaukee area Rotary Club, the Kiwanis, and the Pewaukee Chamber of Commerce. Representatives of the district provide regular updates for organizations on student achievement, goals of the district, and new initiatives. Community outreach may include: realtor tours and information sessions, visits to local senior communities, computer courses offered to the community, and email invitations to campus-wide events. In 2010, the strategic planning committee added business and community partnerships as a way to target growth in developing connections with the greater community.
Please contact the marketing and communications manager to book a speaker, organize a tour of the Pewaukee School District campus, or to provide a suggestion for community-related activities.Publications
The Pewaukee School District publications are in PDF format at right. The Perspective Newsletter is produced three times per school year and sent to 13,000 residents. The Annual Report is produced each year August prior to the Annual Meeting. The report is available online and announced through a postcard sent to district residents. View news articles highlighting the district and Pewaukee Schools at right.
Social Media
Please "like" us on Facebook at "PewaukeeSchools" (no space) and receive information directly into your Facebook newsfeed. On Twitter, go to "@PewaukeeSD" and request to be a Pewaukee School District follower. Be the first to know about awards, activities in and around the district and events. You can also follow us on Instagram via "@pewaukeesd" - our newest social media channel.Pewaukee School District App
Search for Pewaukee School District in your app store and download to your device. It provides easy access to lunch menus, calendars, websites, contacts, bus information and more!