Common unblocking site requests

  • This document is to help you understand some of the Pewaukee School District's blocking of sites and or categories.    

    The district provides Chromebooks for educational use purposes only.

    Sites in the categories listed below won’t be unblocked by student requests.   If say, a game site is educational, please work through your classroom teacher to have a request sent to IT for consideration.

    Chat Site:  The district doesn’t allow unmoderated chat sites.  Items like Discord will not be allowed.

    Music sites:   Items like Spotify are not currently allowed to conserver bandwidth during these times when we may need additional bandwidth for video learning.   This could change in the future, but is not allowed at this time.

    Games:  Games can be educational and are allowed for that reason.   Non-educational games should not be played, and may be made unavailable to students.  Items like Krunker, bubble blaster, ShellShocker and others are examples of non-educational games.



    Student Acceptable User Policy


    Email Sites:  Sites such as Yahoo email are not allowed.  The district provides access to Gmail for student use.

    Video Streaming:  Sites such as Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Peacock, Vimeo, and other steaming sites are not allowed.   While most families may not object to the use of these services that the family has purchased, the district takes the position that these are generally speaking not education related sites and that parents may be unaware of the content that could be available to students while on the district owned devices.  The objections of parents can be related to content available or simply for time management reasons.    For these reasons these streaming sites will not be made available.

    Search Engines:  Some search engines present better tools for managing searches and results than others.   For that reason we block some search sites and allow others.  Allowed sites are Google, YouTube, Bing, Yahoo.

    Translation Sites:  Some translations sites can be used to bypass filtering and are not allowed (Google Translate).  Recommended alternative are Bing and Babylon translate as well as BabelFish.