• The Career & Technical Education curriculum is in curriculum renewal phase II for the 2024-25 school year.  Phase I of the curriculum renewal was in 2023-24.  The public report of phase I can be found here.  Below are some details of the curriculum renewal to date:

    Value Statements:

    Subject area value statements are collaboratively developed following the review of professional literature on best practices as it relates to teaching and learning in a discipline.  These value statements serve as guideposts that provide direction and context for the development and revision of district curricula.  The following value statements were developed for CTE:


    Graduate Profile Competency Link

    Business Ed

    Business instructors will provide real-world, relevant, and challenging coursework with a global and local perspective. Pathways include industry certifications, mentorship, and hands-on projects with community partners. 

    Contribute, Create, Compete, Connect, Commit and Care

    Family and Consumer Science

    Family and Consumer Sciences provides authentic experiences to ensure our students become positive citizens and leaders to develop better lives and build strong families and communities.  

    Contribute, Create, Compete, Connect, Commit and Care

    Tech Ed

    Technology and Engineering promote innovation, creativity, critical thinking, and responsible risk-taking in their classrooms through authentic and relevant experiences and technical skill development to foster continuous improvement and ethical workplace behaviors in students so that they are prepared for a range of rigorous 21st-century post-secondary opportunities. Pathways include industry certifications, mentorship, and hands-on projects with community partners. 

    Contribute, Create, Compete, Connect, Commit and Care


    In addition, a CTE Department Value Statement was developed to focus our work as a large group and foster inter-department collaboration.

    The PSD CTE Department is dedicated to empowering students with skills and knowledge for success in their chosen careers and everyday life.

    • We provide authentic, hands-on experiences that bridge the gap between the classroom and the outside world.
    • We connect students with professionals, inspire them to think critically about career paths, and enhance their understanding of various industries.
    • We emphasize critical thinking and problem-solving, ensuring students graduate with the skills and resilience they need to excel in any endeavor.
    • We are shaping the next generation of leaders and contributors to society.

    Research Review & Summary:

    The team reviewed a variety of resources as part of the curriculum review process including

    Wisconsin state standards and best practice research. It should be noted that the review of

    research tries to be as comprehensive as possible; therefore, articles and resources that have been

    reviewed may or may not have been taken into consideration when making review

    recommendations. Below are the research summary findings that were taken into consideration

    for curriculum revisions.

    • When surveyed, employers responded very positively to CTE programs in K-12 education (63% “Very favorable” and 96% “Favorable”).  Employers view CTE programs as an avenue for addressing industry challenges in hiring and providing skill training.  Employers also indicated that they are more likely to hire people with experience in K-12 CTE programs, especially in the healthcare and technology sectors.
    • Employers are beginning to value skills over degrees and believe CTE programs will help meet their skill-based hiring needs.  Desired skills in employees are flexibility and adaptability, being a lifelong learner, and soft skills (punctuality, responsibility, professionalism).  Employers also look for job-specific skills in a candidate, but there is a continued focus on the development of employability skills.
    • As technology continues to rapidly advance across all sectors, a key focus is on developing digital fluency and software skills with students.  Students do not need to be experts in every industry-standard software, but have an understanding of software capabilities, and have the flexibility to learn new digital skills. 
    • Employers overwhelmingly want to expand their partnerships with CTE programs.  The key is finding a mutually beneficial partnership, in which both the school and employer understand industry trends and the curriculum being delivered.  A solid industry partner can help schools design, deliver, and evaluate CTE programming.
    • Middle-grade CTE programs can help to level the playing field and ensure that all students understand the vast career possibilities available to them.  The sooner we can expose students to potential career fields, the better.  A solid middle school CTE curriculum will allow students to gain exposure to a career, increase occupational awareness, develop employability skills, develop foundational technical skills, and make a transition to high school career-focused next steps. 


    Phase II Timeline:

    The following draft timeline indicates key next steps in the curriculum review & revision process.  Dates are subject to change.

    • October 2024-March 2025- Staff internally develop revisions and write new curriculum in the curriculum management system
    • November 2024- The Board of Education reviews and takes action on new course proposals
    • December 2024-January 2025- New course approvals communicated to students and families for the fall registration process
    • November 2024-January 2025- Resource recommendations and preliminary budget developed
    • Spring 2025- The Board of Education presented the curriculum, followed by a two-week public review period. The Board of Education takes action on the proposed curriculum at the next meeting following the presentation (typically 2 weeks later).


    Access to Curriculum: To access curriculum unit plans for the Pewaukee School District please click HERE to enter our curriculum warehouse.  You may search for specific grade level, subject area, and/or course(s). 

    Career & Technical Education Documents: